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In 19’s women conditions were most miserable as their rights have been almost snatched and had been caged in the four walls. They had no access to engage in education, in health services, in economic activities, in social platforms etc. Moreover, they had to suffer from domestic violence. Dilemma is that second head of the family though had to be women (saas) favoured domestic violence and all sorts of discrimination & torture.
At that juncture, the organization framed Women Empowerment and Liberty as Mission of the Organisation. Beginning with the Swa-Shakti programme, a tool to empower women through Self Help Group platform, it implemented projects like “Swawalamban”, “Swaymsiddha”, “Deep Project”, “MNSY”, “SGSY”, “Priyadarshini”,“Jharkhand Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood”, “HRDP”, “HRIDAY” and many more from where they had the liberty to acquire knowledge, leadership skill, entrepreneurship and access to microfinance for business enterprises owing to financial control. As time wheel moved on more than 27,000 SHGs with about 3,50,000 members are flourishing across 2 states. Presently, 2,20,788 women from SHGs are engaged in varieties of economic activities. Moreover, hundreds of them are part of Panchayati Raj Institutions. Consistent handholding support by this organization enabled them dialogue with government stakeholders and policy makers and insisted government to bring acts/policies that are beneficial for women community and are pro poor. Earmarked contribution by Elected Women Representatives & SHGs in collaboration with government are Acts/ policies preventing women violence, alcohol production and sale, child labour, child marriage and dowry system. These Acts/Policies have positively impacted thousands of lives of women and children. Prohibition of alcohol in Bihar has drastically improved the living status of women and children, reduced domestic violence and controlled underage child marriage to great extent. But there are lots to be done in terms of sexual violence and child trafficking/child labour for which our SHGs and Elected Women Representatives are consistently working and needed handholding support jointly from government and women concern partners are provided.